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Red's: The Early Days


I've been digging through some of my old photos recently and stumbled across a ton of images from before the shop opened. They're not doing much for anyone on my hard drive, so may as well share some of 'em on here right?

11 November 2018: We started off coming in over the weekends to paint. At this point there wasn't even a door on our unit and construction also hadn't actually finished. Had we known what we know now, then, we for sure would've waited for everything to finish up before we started painting but hey. Isaiah pictured on the left, Red on the right,

23 November 2018: Red's chair was the first to show up, and naturally we started building it the moment it arrived. By this point, the shop was painted and we had the floor down.

01 December 2018: Our bench was finished by this point, so we had Isaiah in for one of the first real cuts at Red's. Our doors hadn't opened yet, and we only had the one chair, but we were getting there. I (Cam) had the first actual cut in Red's, but this must have been second, and was definitely the first we photographed.

09 December 2018: We had a few friends down for hair cuts as a bit of a dry run before opening. Had all gone to plan, we'd hoped to be open the day we took photos but it wasn't to be so we spent the day hanging out, getting trimmed and practicing yoyo tricks.

10 December 2018: Jared came in for a cut one night. At this point he was barbering at another shop and the idea of him working at Red's hadn't really crossed anyone's mind. Little did any of us know...

15 December 2018: Our first day (ish) opened. We spent most of the day waiting for our building to pass council inspection, and at around 3pm we got the all clear and got to open for a few hours. We decided to just hang out 'til the flow of people stopped, and I think we called it a day at around 7:30pm.

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3A/571 Te Atatu Road

Te Atatu Peninsula

Auckland 0610


PH: 09 930 6261


Mon-Weds, Fri: 9am-6pm

Thursday: 9am-7pm

Saturday: 8am-4pm

Sunday: 9am-4pm

© 2024 Lil Red's Barbershop

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